Claiming ELC Funding

You are required to read this page if you are in service or ex-service and are looking at claiming on the ELC Scheme. 

Before registering for any learning activity Ex-Service personnel must get authorisation from their Single Service Representative.

There are several factors to consider:

1 You must fully research both the Learning Provider that you choose and the course that you wish to study. 

Please note that Learning Providers move on and off the approved list. It is therefore advisable to check both your course and Learning Provider of choice is approved and has your specific course listed before undertaking any claim.


2 ELC funding is only available for courses that result in a Nationally Recognised Qualification at level three or above on the National Qualification Framework or level six or above on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework. Just because an organisation is listed as an Approved Provider does not mean that all of their courses are of the required level.

TOP TIP: The course must be listed as an approved course (on the ELCAS website) for your chosen Learning Provider. You can verify this information by searching HERE.  

3 You must present your Claim Authorisation Note (CAN) to your chosen Provider before your course start date. If for any reason you do not undertake the course you must submit a request to cancel/reinstate the claim. Failure to do so may result in the loss of Scheme Membership, which will prevent any future claims.

4 You must ensure that you fully research the course and the requirements prior to submitting a claim for ELC funding. Claimants need to be aware of the implications of cancelling or withdrawing from a course of study funded by ELC. Always consult your Single Service Representative before doing either in the first instance, because it can have a serious effect on future ELC eligibility. (See cancellation/reinstatement section).

5 You must make a personal contribution of at least 20% from your own resources towards the total course cost. You will also be responsible for any costs associated with food, accommodation, course books, material, travel and subsistence. 

BE AWARE: MOD rules strictly forbid the acceptance of inducements or incentives from providers including subsidies, free accommodation, travel and equipment. Learners who breach these rules risk forfeiting their ELC membership.

6 If you are making a second or third claim you must first ensure that you have completed the Evaluation Form via the Member's Area for all previous ELC funded courses. You must also provide documentary evidence to demonstrate that you have completed previous courses to your Single Service Representative.

MOD and ELCAS rely on accurate completion of evaluation forms to help us assess Learning Provider performance. Please help your fellow claimants to access the best possible learning provision by providing timely and accurate evaluation feedback.


7 If undertaking courses in quick succession it may be necessary to submit a claim for a second or third course before the previous course has ended. In these cases the Course Evaluation Form can be submitted when you have completed enough study to effectively evaluate the Provider. 

8 If your course is split into modules, list each module you are claiming for. However, for longer courses of study such as degree level, where the academic year is out of synch with the financial year, it is permissible to use one claim for several modules which count towards a continuous and recognised block of study which may extend into or start in the next financial year.

TOP TIP: Additionally, where it is clear from the outset that a modular course is intended to be completed in one FY, one academic year or one calendar year, only one ELC claim it to be made for the entire course by claimants.  Education Staff will not authorise the splitting of this type of modular course to enable more than one ELC claim to be made.  For more information please refer to the Joint Service Publications (JSP) 822.

9 Retrospective ELC claims are not permitted. Claim forms must be received by your Single Service Representative at least 25 clear working days prior to the course start date. 

You must ensure that you have enough time to receive the Claim Authorisation Note to present to your chosen provider before the course starts. (Please note that for courses with Open University the CAN must be presented to them by the final course registration date).

You should not set up a loan/credit agreement for the full cost of the course under any circumstances.

Please do not send any correspondence via post. It will be confidentially destroyed without action.

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