Frequently asked Questions



Learning Providers





Q. I have had a break in service and am registered with ELCAS. Which form do I need to complete?

A. You are required to complete the Interrupted Service Supplementary Form, this can be found in the downloads section of the website.  You are required to enter all periods of eligible service and then this form must be signed by your Educational Officer (if serving) or Single Service Representative (if you are no longer in service).


Q. Who signs my Enhanced Learning Credits claim form when I have left the Services?

A. Claims should be submitted online via the Member’s Area; where this is not possible, as a service leaver, part five of your claim form must be completed by the Single Service Representative, you can find their contact details address here.

Q. How do I know which tier I am eligible to claim?

A. For the lower tier of funding you are required to have completed a minimum of four years qualifying service prior to 1st April 2017 or not less than six years eligible service if you enlisted on/after the 1st April 2013. For higher tier claims you are required to complete a minimum of eight years eligible service.

Q. What is the lower or higher tier?

A. On the lower tier of funding you are entitled to claim 80% of the cost of a Level three or above course up to the maximum of £1000.00. For the higher tier this is up to £2000.00 per ELC claim. 

Q. How many claims in total can I make?

A. You are entitled to make a maximum of three ELC claims in total, but only one ELC claim per financial year.

Q. When does the financial year run from?

A. The financial year runs from 1 April - 31 March, with regards to claiming it depends on your course start date as to which year of funding your claim comes out of. E.g. If the course start date was 31/03/2020 this claim would come out of financial year 19/20 which means after 01/04/2020 you would be able to claim again for a course starting in financial year 20/21.

Q. I have been unable to proceed with my course. How do I cancel / amend my claim?

A. You must refer to your appropriate MOD authorised Personnel to explain the reasons for withdrawal or amendment. This differs depending on if you are a service leaver or still serving. Please click the links below for more information

Q. How can I find out if my course is Level three or above?

A. You can check with the provider who should be able to advise you and provide proof of the Level of the course. (You can also refer to this handy guide on comparing qualifications in the UK & Ireland here).

Q. Can I claim for a course which I have already paid for?

A. No, under the scheme rules retrospective claims are not permitted.

Q. I’ve left the services by when must I submit my final claim?

A. Your final claim must be submitted before the 10th anniversary of your last day of service if you left before 1st April 2016. If you left on/after 1st April 2016 or later, they expire on the 5th anniversary of your last day of service.  The course MUST start before this expiry date.   

The policy on the expiry date for a number of service leavers has changed; information on this change can be found here. Additionally you may wish to read JSP 822 for more information on the expiration date of your claims particularly in respect of those service leavers who were medically discharged.

Q. I have received a Claim Authorisation Note (CAN) but my course details have changed. How do I get a new CAN.

A. You should check the ‘Amending/Cancelling/Reinstating a claim' section of the website. If your claim can be amended you must refer to your MOD authorising party ie. Education Officer if you are still in service or Single Service Representative if you are a Service Leaver. 

Q. I have been told to speak to CTP. Is that the same as ELCAS? Who are they and how can they help?

A. CTP (The Career Transition Partnership) is not the same as ELCAS no; they are the provider of Armed Forces resettlement. CTP provides resettlement services for those leaving the Armed Forces regardless of time served. They also operate as an intermediary service for employers wishing to hire Service leavers, to date having assisted over 250,000 SLs with transition to civilian life.  


Q. How do I find a learning provider?

A. You can search approved Learning Providers by clicking here.

Q.The learning provider I want to use isn’t registered. Can I still put in a claim?

A. Under the rules of the ELC scheme you may only use a provider who have been approved by the MOD and appear on the approved provider list. In the first instance you should check the list carefully using the search options available. If you are unable to find a suitable provider on the current list you may ask a new provider to apply however they must follow the full application process and must meet all of the ELC scheme criteria in order to gain approval. You should note that the application process can take up to four months and you would not be able to submit a claim until the provider has gained a positive decision from the MOD.




Q. How do I request data / information relating to Enhanced Learning Credits?

A. All requests for data relating to the Enhanced Learning Credits Scheme must be submitted to the MOD Chief Information Officer ( ) who will direct your request accordingly and advise of next steps/actions and any associated timeframes.


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