Provider Responsibilities

When deciding whether to apply for approved Learner Provider status, please consider the scheme rules carefully and in particular the specific ELC scheme payment criteria which all providers are required to adhere to and note the following points:  

  • ELC Approved Provider status is not transferable. Any change to a currently Approved Provider resulting in a change in legal entity must be reported to ELCAS immediately. The new legal entity will be required to apply for Approved Status in their own right against the current application criteria.
  • ELC only providers - invoices for ELC only claims must be submitted on or after the course start date and within nine months of the course start date.
  • Publicly funded providers - invoices which contain an element of PF FE/HE funding must be dated and submitted no earlier than six weeks after the course start date, confirm that the learner is participating and undertaking the learning effectively at the point of invoice and confirm that the learner is undertaking at least the equivalent of 25% of a full time course.
  • Learning Providers should not request full payment up front from the claimant.  As retrospective claims are not permitted, if you do not receive a Claim Authorisation Note (CAN) before the student starts the course, you are to assume the student is self-funding. The MOD is not liable for any payment(s) due from the student.  
  • ELCs may only be claimed for learning which results in a nationally recognised qualification at Level Three or above on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) (England and Wales), a Level Six or above on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) or, if pursued overseas, an approved international equivalent qualification.
  • Please see PF FEHE page for rules regarding eligible learning in respect of this funding element.

Quality Assurance of Providers

As part of our process to ensure continuous improvement and consistency throughout all aspects of the Enhanced Learning Credits Scheme, aspects of Learning Provider service provision will be evaluated. This process will be two-fold. Firstly, upon completion of the learning activity the Learner will submit to ELCAS an evaluation form. Secondly, a MOD auditor will carry out a series of evaluation visits throughout the financial year to cover a sample of 5% of the active Learning Provider organisations over this time. Should your Organisation be selected for such a visit we will contact you in advance; it is expected that you will co-operate fully with this process.

Unsatisfactory Learning Provider performance as defined by the MOD may result in Learning Provider Approved status being revoked.

As a minimum requirement Approved Learning Providers should:

  • Have sufficient equipment / materials available to facilitate learning with any inclusive pre-course materials being supplied no later than 7 days prior to the course start date.
  • Provide a high quality of learning provision ELC claimants should receive the same level of service as non-ELC claimants.
  • Ensure consistent pricing for the same course when listed on the ELCAS website and independently.
  • Charge standard UK postage rates to individuals residing at BFPO addresses.
  • Track and monitor student attendance and progress, providing certificate(s) of completion to the student upon the achievement of qualification(s).
  • Encourage claimants to complete ELCAS online evaluations forms via their Member's Area.
  • Achieve at least 80% satisfaction score on every evaluation received from a claimant.
  • Respond fully in a timely and efficient manner to complaints, as outlined here.
  • Ensure your organisation is available for pre-arranged MOD evaluation visits.
  • Act appropriately on recommendations made as a result of the evaluation visit.
  • Adhere to the administrative, invoicing and payment term requirements of the ELC and PF FE/HE schemes as appropriate.
  • Be aware of the ELC and PF FE/HE scheme rules and policies as appropriate in respect of ELC claimants, including elements that are specifically excluded such as inducements, incentives and subsidies.
  • As required supply necessary documentation to ELCAS to maintain Approved Learning Provider status including, but not limited to, insurance and financial documentation.
  • Adhere to Data Protection legislation and Information Assurance guidelines.  

Publicly Funded Learning Provider Responsibilities

Learning Providers are required to comply with all the ELC and PF FE/HE scheme rules as applicable and to keep up to date on changes to these by referring to this website and specifically the underpinning policy documents.

Joint Service Publication (JSP) 822 ELC FEHE

Learning providers must also have read and understood the claim process flows appearing in the JSP document.  

Claim procedure flow charts Annex B & Annex C to the JSP 822.

Claimants will expect Learning Providers to understand the ELC and PF FEHE schemes as applicable and the whole claiming process. Please ensure that as an Approved Learning Provider you have familiarised yourself with this process, the administrative requirements of the scheme and ensure that you can comply with everything within the published policy and within this website.

ELC funding is only available for courses that result in a Nationally Recognised Qualification at Level Three or above on the National Qualification Framework or Level Six or above on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework. Learning Providers may be required by MOD or ELCAS to provide evidence that their courses meet this criterion at any time.

PF FE/HE funding is only available for the following learning purposes.

First Level Three or national equivalent. This refers to a first full Level Three i.e. the achievement of two GCE A Levels (A2) (passes at A-E) or vocational equivalent as defined by the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) (England , Northern Ireland and Wales); or in Scotland a Level Six qualification on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).

Or a first foundation degree or first full undergraduate degree or national equivalent. Typically to be eligible for this support, the higher education qualifications would be at Levels Four-Six of the Framework for Higher Education and Qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (FHEQ) eg: a first undergraduate degree (including foundation degree) or Higher National Certificate or Diploma for which the entry qualification is lower than a degree and which normally takes place at a publicly funded institution.

In Scotland the equivalent qualification is a Higher National Certificate (HNC), Higher National Diploma (HND) or a first undergraduate degree, undertaken at a further education college (FE college) or a higher education institution (HEI).

In addition to adhering to the relevant policies, Learning Providers must ensure that they proactively use their login account to update and provide any changes to contact details, training location, courses and Learning Provider description appearing on the ELCAS website.

Learning providers please note that failure to comply fully with the scheme requirements to submit your invoices exactly in line with the guidance of this page may result in a delay in you receiving payment from the MOD.

It is the responsibility of Learning Providers to read and understand all of the information within this website and to ensure that the department responsible for submitting invoices to ELCAS fully understands what is required and how to achieve this.



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